Zane Lowe interviews Nikolai Fraiture about Comedown Machine

Nikolai FraitureLast week when Zane Lowe premiered All The Time it didn’t come with an interview but after Zane spoke to Nikolai on Twitter that has now changed.

Nikolai didn’t say too much though confirmed that unlike Angles the band recorded Comedown Machine together. With Angles Julian recorded his parts separately.

Nikolai would like to tour but no plans for it yet, I am increasingly wondering if they will do what The Beatles did in their later years and become an album only band. Would be a real shame if they did because they are great live. Of course that is just me worrying as a fan!

“I feel good about the atmosphere in the band

To put a positive spin on it – if they were to tour now it would once again mostly be festival dates because from mid-June to late August most bands don’t do normal tours it is always the festival dates. Maybe they are putting off touring until the Fall and will do a proper tour then in normal venues.

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